The screenname I usually go by on forums is Lizardcommando. My real name is Cliff (haha! not gonna say my last name!) and I live in California. I'm 18 years old and I've been drawing ever since I was in pre-school. (Long time, eh?) Yeah, my drawing skills haven't exactly changed over the years dramatically, but I still try to improve on my skills, especially when it comes down to drawing people. When I don't try and draw people, I draw cartoony Lizards and other animals.
I get alot of my inspiration for the fan art from movies such as John Woo's "The Killer" and "Hardboiled". As for drawing my cartoony Lizards, the inspiration for that comes from other video games like Metal Slug. Aside from my MGS related fanarts, I've made some MGS related Flash movies. They're crude, but it does the job right?
So yeah go here and check out my Flash movies. Although this has nothing to do with Metal Gear Solid, I just want to point out that I've made two Doom mods which feature my cartoony Lizards and the hero (which my screenname comes from) Lizardcommando. Also, I'm making a Wolfenstein 3D mod featuring Lizardcommando. To check out my Doom mods go here and to check out my wolfenstein 3d mod go to this link. Thanks.