Name: Panagiotis Edirnelis
Question 1: Don't you think that Ocelot-Liquid is dangerous after the ending of mgs2..i mean that he has his own Metal Gear Ray…that's quite a might not have nuclear capabilities but it is dangerous for the world..I wondering how HK is going to answer that in you think that Ocelot from mgs3 might answer this question??
FF7: One of the reasons Metal Gear Rays were created in first place was to counter 100s of other Metal gear designs that spawned off Rex test data. While it is a threat that Ocelot has Ray, it is not as big of a threat as it would have been around the time Shadow Moses incident happened. Liquid, seemed to ‘re-live’ only when Snake is around and he is the unstable character. Ocelot apparently works for the Patriots, so why would he want to terrorize United States or another nation it will bring problems to his benefactors?
Off course Ocelot usually turns on most people, so it is never known whose side he is really on. But personally I don’t think Ocelot having RAY is not the biggest thing Hideo Kojima has to explain in the future.
Question 1: Raiden killed Solidus 1v1, Raiden has a longer Grip than Solid Snake and Raiden has one more hit in his combat combo. Who would win 1v1, Solid or Raiden?
FF7: Solid Snake, because he has a mullet and does not need someone to baby sit him though a mission.
Name: Otacon
Question 1: So how did Solidus come into being?
FF7: Well one of the problems with Metal Gear Solid 2 was that vast amount of characters were not fully developed throughout the game and were not given enough “screen-time.” With that being said, Solidus like many other characters has a mysteries past.
“My predecessor... George Sears. That was the name the public came to know him by. But I knew him by his codename, "Solidus Snake."He was the third Snake, preceded by Solid and Liquid... a survivor of the Les Enfants Terrible project. Neither Solid nor Liquid, he was a well-balanced masterpiece that the Patriots saw fit to entrust with the Presidency. However, he fell out of grace with the organization four years ago when, acting on his own, he started an incident.”- President Johnson, MGS2
This is all we know of his past before, his Presidency other than the fact he fought in the Liberian Civil war and trained children to kill. That quote suggests that Solidus was cloned after Solid and Liquid was created. But It also says he is “a survivor of the Les Enfants Terrible project” which suggests that he was one of the original eight clones of Big Boss. The real truth about Solidus origin is yet to be known.
Question 2: Is Raidenovich aka Kuwabara Dude a relative or Raiden? Is it possible that The End is Sniper Wolf's dad?
FF7: Just because a person has same skill as someone else in other Metal Gear game does not make them relatives automatically. That’s like saying anyone who could play basketball well in 60’s is a relative to all good basketball players now. I know that’s a bad analogy, but it’s only way to portray the amount of assumptions people are making just based on a characters hair color or just there weapon of choice.
“Is the ghost guy Mantis brother?”
“Is Eva Sniper Wolf’s mom?”
”Is Fear a relative of Vamp?”
Just because Eva has blond hair does not make her wolf’s mom and just because “ghost guy” can float does not make him Mantis brother. Now there is very little chance that Wolf is the daughter of The End. For starters she was a Kurd who was rescued by Big Boss and taught about sniping. If she was around 35 in MGS, then she must have been born around 1968-1969. Even if The End survived through events of MGS3, there is not enough Viagra in the whole world enough to make a 110 year old man conceive a daughter.
As for “Kuwabara Dude” being a relative of Raiden, your guess is as good as mine.
Comments: This site is so much better than the official MGS site
Name: The Russian Spy
Question 1: "Shalashashka".What does it means?
FF7: “I've fought wars in Afghanistan , Mozambique , Eritrea , and Chad . Among the Mujahaddin guerrillas,I was known and feared as "Shalashaska". I was trained by the Russian GRU. I am not like one of those KGB slugs. To me, this isn't torture...It's a sport.”-Ocleot, MGS
Shalashaska, translates loosely into “prison warden” or just simple “warden.”
Question 2: I heard the theory, that Solidus is Big Boss's and Eva's real son, not clone. What do you think about it?
FF7: I think it’s false and would make no sense. But I always liked the idea of there being a real son of Big Boss somewhere. As you can imagine, his hate for the clones would be very strong. He would hate them because they were made since he was not good enough and he is not seen as the true successor of Big Boss legacy. But I doubt a storyline like that will ever be in a future Metal Gear game, because it is quite clichéd.
Name: President Lyndon Johnson
Question 1: What is the significance of Liquid's arm to both story progression and perception? Please explore all aspects in 250 words or less.
AG: That Liquid continues to live on. He and Snake are the yin and yang of Big Boss, and they more or less need each other to have something to fight for. In my opinion, at least.
Anyone who has read the leaked MGS3 casting sheets should also be able to figure out the relevance in having Liquid Snake and Revolver Ocelot combined into one person.
Question 2: Despite its flaws, I felt Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes was an entertaining experience, but some fans tend to disagree. Do you think that, however flawed, MGS:TTS offered a fun experience that , or do you feel it was a wasted effort?
AG: Wasted effort? I wouldn't be that harsh. TTS did what it had to do: introduced Nintendo fans to MGS. For the most part, the game was pretty good. The cutscenes were action-packed, the engine itself, other than frequent slowdown, was pretty tight. The reviews were decent -- most in the 8 - 8.5 range. The biggest problem with the Twin Snakes lies within the hardcore MGS1 fan. The fan that absolutely adored MGS1, and heralded it as the best game ever made.
First off, the gameplay. Yes, MGS2's engine was integrated into TTS, giving Snake all kinds of new moves to use in the MGS1 world. But the level design remains literally unchanged. You could theoretically use an MGS1 strategy guide from 1998 to beat the Twin Snakes without a problem at all. Now, many Nintendo fans never played MGS1, so naturally they are in awe with the great gameplay that was introduced in the game. However, anyone who has played MGS1 to death is not going to find anything new in the gameplay itself, which is a big negative. Someone said to me once, "Well, if the gameplay ain't broke, don't fix it." My response would be, "Then don't remake the game." Games; even MGS; are about gameplay. You can't just slap new features onto a 6 year old level design and call it a new game. Look at Resident Evil for the Gamecube -- altered level designs which were meant solely to find new ways to entertain the hardcore RE fan are prevalent in the game. That's what TTS needed, first and foremost.
Secondly, the cutscenes. Over the top in almost every way. One of my favorite things about MGS is how Snake has always been portrayed as a believable hero against unbelievable circumstances. Well, the cutscenes in TTS make Snake look more like a superhero than a spy. Missile surfing, bullet dodging, backflipping 30 feet into the air, literally flying at Metal Gear REX at one point, having a seizure and almost killing Baker; these things detracted from the believability of Snake.
Thirdly, the atmosphere is totally different. MGS1 was very dark, this tone mostly set by the game's music. TTS felt more like an action film, in stark opposition to MGS1's more gritty approach.
In conclusion, TTS had its merits and its shortcomings. If I were the game's director, I would have done the opposite of what SK and Konami did. I think the gameplay and level design should have been given more upgrades/changes, whereas the cutscenes, while graphically upgraded, remained the same in spirit. Just my opinion. But wasted effort? I wouldn't go that far. It certainly created new MGS fans.
Question 3: Continuing with the subject of the previous question, do you think Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes may have introduced new players to the Metal Gear world, or that it was mostly played by people who had played the original? I know for a fact that TTS was the first MG title for some, but do you think it opened the door for people, or that they will just stick with TTS since it's a GNC title.
AG: I know plenty of people who have played TTS before any other MGS game, and a few people who actually bought a PS2 after playing TTS, just to play SOL and the upcoming Snake Eater. I think this was the sole purpose of TTS; to introduce Metal Gear to Nintendo fans. The sales weren't that great, but I'm sure in coverted a few Gamecube owners into Metal Gear fans.
Name: Joel Young
Question 1: Does the time of day and rainfall affect gameplay?
FF7: Yes it sure does. Hideo Kojima said that when time changes from day to night so will the animals in the areas. He also said the surrounding will start getting cold and snake needs to find ways to keep himself warm so his stamina does not go down too fast. Also as you can imagine, nights will make it harder for you to navigate the jungle and spot enemies and animals. So you would have to rely mostly on the equipment you have. But the day/night changes are scripted and will change as the story progresses.
As for rainfall, it affects gameplay also. First off, rainfall increases your camo meter because guards visibility reduces. Also any blood, mud etc that is on your camo gear gets washed off by the rain. I assume your stamina meter goes down bit faster because rain usually causes fatigue. But this is not yet confirmed and only speculation on my part.
Question 2: How do you change the camo on your M16?
FF7: Apparently you don’t “equip” the camo onto your M16. The original gun design in the game did not have a camo cover over it so old trailers/screens don’t show it. But there seems to be a design change and it looks like you acquire the gun with the camouflage already over it. It’s part of the gun design.
Question 3: Is there any news as to when the demo comes out in Australia ?
FF7: Sorry I have no idea about it. We had quite a few questions asked about the demo being released in Australia . Only US OPM and UK OPM currently have exclusive rights to the demo. So if any of those formats will work on your PS2 I strongly suggest importing the magazine, because it’s worth the effort and money.
Name: fernando
Question 1: what is the point of snakes sneak suit?it doesnt really hide him
FF7: Why don’t you try sneaking around in baggy pants and a T-shirt and see how much noisy you will make. The sneaking suit is skin tight to allow snake to move around effortlessly and not cause any noise produced by loose fitting clothes rubbing against each other. Not only that, but the dull dark blue suit aids him in hiding and not attract any attention to himself. Plus the suit also has many harnesses that allow him to hold quite a lot of equipment.
Question 2: what is an ocelot?
FF7: can be your best friend if you put it to good use ;)
Name: IndiviD
Question 1: Are you going to make a section for fan-videos in the near future?
FF7: Yeah we plan to do that once we fix the download problem by getting a new host. Please be patient.
Question 2: Do you think that the european release for Snake Eater really will be in late march? Why can't they just make it a world-wide release?! At least not a difference of four months.
FF7: It seems like MGS3 will be released quite late after US release. The only reason I can think for them not having a world-wide release is because they might not have finished getting all the versions ready. Or maybe it’s a marketing tactic by letting US get it early, then releasing Europe version with extras. But I too am appalled by Konami’s decision to do this.
Question 3: Why Solidus did looked much older than his brothers?
FF7: This is one of the unexplained questions in MGS2 that we can only assume the answer. The lines by the President suggest that Solidus was created after Solid and Liquid were cloned. So why exactly does he look older than Snake and Liquid? There are 2 possible answers for this. One is that Solidus is suffering from severe accelerated aging, which is a side effect of cloning. The second answer is that Solidus was internally made to age quicker to reach his “prime age” faster. He was supposed to be a well balanced master-piece just like Big Boss. So to make this happen they might have tried to get him to the age when Big Boss was at his best. Either way, the only thing that can really answer this is that Solidus is aging faster than he should, just like Solid Snake.
Comments: You have made a great site. Keep it up and tight.
Name: huh?
Question 1: Who do you think is the guy in the motorcycle driving saying," GO EAT SNAKES!"?
FF7: It was just a joke made only for the trailer. “He” was not a character in MGS3. It’s an early model of Eva with voice of Naoki Imamura, the Japanese voice of Johnny.
Name: Pure_LionHeart
Question 1: Is it true that more camouflage patterns will become available to Snake Eater via download?
FF7: Yes, quite a lot of camouflages were promised to be available for download. Also people who were let down by not winning the camo contest can rejoice at this news: Once the game is released Konami will again be accepting camouflage patterns. They will go though them and choose the good ones to be placed for download. Not only that, but HK team will be making frequent extra camos for download also.
Question 2: Is the Snake Eater demo soon to be available(Well, for me, at least) in OPM the same demo as the one explained in detail on this site,
FF7: Yes it is
Question 3: I have heard rumors that no more trailers for Snake Eater will be released. Is there truth to this?
FF7: Off course it is true. There is no reason for them to release anymore trailers for MGS3 when the game is about to be released in less than 30 days in US. The trailers have did all they could, now it’s Konami’s marketing job to try hype the game release up with TV and magazine ads.
Comments: Thank you for taking the time to read and answer my questions.
Name: Michael
Question 1: Hello, my name is mike and i have been playing mgs for 8 years and i have a question about mgs3....IS there going to be 2 missions Big Boss is going to do....because first you have Virtous Mission and then you have Operation Snake Eater...
FF7: Yes, Hideo Kojima confirmed it. HK said the first mission; The Virtuous Mission is a prologue to the real mission of the game: Operation Snake Eater. From what has been released and told, it appears that Virtuous Mission is a rescue mission gone bad because of The Boss deflection. As for Operation Snake Eater seems an assassination mission to kill The Boss and her reformed Cobra unit. But in the past what seems obvious truth did not turn to be true with HK. He is one sneaky bastard so all we can do is wait.