Record people voted in the poll
Posted by Otacon on 04 Apr 2005, 09:38 AM
If you open the results from the poll to the left about the best Metal Gear Solid game yet and check the count of people who already has voted, you will be amazed that they are over 4000 MGS fans! The MGS3 is the most popular choice since the beginning and if the opinion of 4000 people is not significant, you can call me mad bastard... Also, don't be mad about the delay of TUS Version 2.0, I am so busy recently that it's pointless to just rush the site. Sorry for the April's Fool's day miss too, we had really good ideas!

Bye Bye GameSpy!
Posted by Otacon on 10 Dec 2004, 10:51 AM
Almost one month after we joined GameSpy, we are leaving the gaming network, because we are dissapointed. We didn't like the zero tech support there, we didn't like the privacy policy, we didn't like the Konami intention to keep the fansites disinformed. Thats why we're back on our own server and will make everything possible to be the best Metal Gear site available again. This is our goal after all - to keep all fans informed and to be one nice place for them to stay. For free.

Kojima & Shinkawa in LA!
Posted by Otacon on 25 Nov 2004, 15:51 PM
Los Angeles fans of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater and its predecessors will be able to meet two of the men behind the game: Hideo Kojima and Yoji Shinkawa. Kojima is the creator of the series and Shinkawa is the character designer and both will be available at two different signings on November 30. Metal Gear Solid games and paraphernalia will be signed and limited edition posters will be given away at the events as well.
These events will happen at a GameStop from 11AM to noon and at an EB Games from 6:30PM to 8PM.
Source and addresses: IGN

Official Site Updates
Posted by finalfantasy7 on 24 Nov 2004, 04:27 AM
The Japanese version of MGS3 Official Website has recently updated there trailer section to add a gameplay trailer of the mini game in MGS3 called Snake vs. Monkey.
Also the cover and release date for the first Japanese MGS3 guide (Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Official Guide: The Basic) has been updated on the official site. This 256 page guide will go on sale on December 16th in Japan for 1350 yen ($13).
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