MGS3: Snake Eater E3 2004 Demo Walktrough
by Micheal Bach, 17.05.2004
There is near to no use for the Naked uniform in the demo. Also as the trailer
revealed there may actually be negative aspects to getting into the mud with
the Naked uniform on as leeches cover your body. I did not however test this
out in the demo. The Naked camo is just Naked Snake without his shirt.
Landing at the site you arrive in the Olive Drab uniform. However it is more
of a general uniform only capable of providing average cover/camo index in
all places. The Olive Drab camo is a non-camouflaged normal uniform.
In some sections such as the North Dremuchij where the bridge is located the
Tiger Stripe is only slightly advantageous to use. However it would be better
to use the next one. The Tiger Stripe camo is covered in horizontal stripes of
brown. Effective in trees and grass.
With the leaf coverage during the entire demo, the Leaf camo is will more than
likely be the one used the most during the path before Rassvet. Laying down in
thick grass with the woodland paint allows for up to 90% coverage. The Leaf
camo consists of random coverage of light and darker green with small areas
of brown and dark brown. Effective in bushes.
One section of the demo makes great use of the Tree Bark camo as you receive
90% coverage and a guard walks right past you. Afterwards you can perform CQC
on him. Otherwise anytime you are around trees in a dim area you will more
than likely receive 90% camo index coverage. The Tree Bark camo of course
mimics a tree as much as possible with its vertical tree bark sets of brown
and lighter brown.
Very useful only during the Rassvet section one area to the right of the
staircase and behind the wall provides 95% camo coverage. Once you are inside
the abandoned factory the Square's camo is a must. Otherwise don't use it.
The Square's camo mimics red brickwork as much as possible.
Truthfully I did not use this but on a video the Black camo was used to great
effect on the northwest portion of Dremuchij North, although only for a
second. It really depends on the route you take and what route the enemy is
taking. The Leaf camo is still more effective during that section due to the
lush foliage. Effective in dark area or black ground.
At no point during the entire demo was the No Paint option worth taking.
Usually it resulted in a -5% decrease in your overall camo index.
This is the face paint you begin with and will stay with during the entire
demo. A 5% difference can make the difference between life or death. For use
in forest area.
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