MGS3: Snake Eater E3 2004 Demo Walktrough
by Micheal Bach, 17.05.2004
[Note: Nearly all medium stamina increase notes are guesstimates but are
around that area]
This is perhaps one of the first foods in the game you will try out. Save for
the mushrooms if you're interested in them. I believe these provide medium
stamina increase. You will find these in great supply during the game. It
is also easily killed with a knife and won't attack you if you trail behind
it crawling.
Truthfully all the mushroom's somewhat looked the same so I could not tell
the difference visually between this and the mushroom below. But I believe it
to also provide low to medium stamina increase with how Snake reacted.
One of these can be found nearly five feet away from where you begin your
journey. This along with the ink cap can easily be taken out with a knife.
Provides low to medium stamina increase. RUSSIAN FALSE MANGO
Usually you can find about five of these in the entire demo. You will notice
it when you see one lying on the ground [which you cannot pick up]. To get
it out of the tree you can shoot it with any weapon. Although one of them
can be cut standing up with the survival knife. I recommend this course of
action. Medium stamina increase.
On Dremuchij North you will see two apples in the trees above the heads of
the two guards guarding that area. For these you must shoot them down, I
recommend using the hush puppy. Although they will notice the apple falling
anyways but won't take immediate action if you stay hidden. Stamina increase
unknown put perhaps the same as the mushrooms.
As far the demo was concerned the Giant Anaconda had little difference
to the Python. It can somewhat be seen though with its brown patchs and wider
girth [...snake joke]. High stamina increase.
Out of all the animals in the demo the tree frog was in greatest supply and
was nearly hardest to catch. These are so small that they blend in very well
with their environment. With one swipe of the knife you can have oddly medium
stamina increase.
Each time you kill an alligator (I used the shotgun) you will receive three
Indian gavial meals. You cannot put the alligator to sleep and receive a
caged alligator so watch out with that. These provide medium to high stamina
Surprisingly the hornet's next provided the highest stamina increase due to the
bar's increase and Snake's great reaction. I do not know Japanese but it was
very enthusiastic. Watch out with the trailing bees however, but all you have
to do is run past the mud and they'll run away.
Quite possibly one of the least known foods of the demo along with the apple.
The magpie is a bird that can be caught somewhere in Dremuchij South. I'll
provide directions later. This bird provides medium stamina increase.
You can only find the Rat under Rassvet by crawling. It is most easily taken
out either by knife if you get it in a corner or the MK-22 Hush Puppy. The
M19 will attract too much attention. Unknown stamina.
NOTE: There is also a scorpion and other possible edible creatures in the
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