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8. Hunting Tactics
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Demo screens


MGS3: Snake Eater E3 2004 Demo Walktrough
by Micheal Bach, 17.05.2004


There are only a few general rules to follow while hunting and are all very simple but I add this mostly to pad this sucker up.

Being careful not to rouse the Magpie you must use your D-Pad to move and even then you cannot come to close or it will fly off. Other animals such as the tree frog will just move to the outward areas if you make too much commotion in the middle and so it can be advantageous in that respect. The alligator however already knows you are around and cannot run away. In fact if you stand directly in front of it, it will do nothing.

Most of the animals can most easily be killed with a knife and should be. It conserves ammo and is quick. All of the animals can be killed with a knife save for the Magpie and the Alligator. Everything else can be taken out with just one swipe of the knife. To kill the alligator I suggest using either a grenade in-between two alligators to take both out or the shotgun. To kill the magpie I just suggest using the normal weaponry such as the M19.

Capturing animals is quite possibly as easy as killing them. Just pull out MK-22 Hush Puppy and shoot them. All animals can be captured save for the alligator which wakes up 5 seconds later. You can only capture three animals at one time as you only have three cages.

Pretty much anything you can find. I advise staying away from the tree frogs, they aren't too useful since there are alligators just up ahead. But it all depends on what kind of ammo you have and how much time you're willing to spend. Without ammo you should limit yourself to animals that can be killed with a knife. Also you should get the Hornet's Nest, it would seem to be the best in the game. Otherwise hunt snakes and get mushrooms if you're sneaky and don't want to waste ammo. Get higher protein foods if you're going
"all out" and try to get as much gavial as you can. But you have room for it all so don't worry about it too much.

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