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MGS3: Snake Eater E3 2004 Demo Walktrough
by Micheal Bach, 17.05.2004

9. Walkthrough

Forgive me if I get the name's of some areas wrong or do not realize the best route but I will give my best shot at it. I'm doing all of this from memory so maybe you could cut me some slack! Punk. Or better yet please email me if any thing here is wrong or you think you know a better way. Some areas I have not
got down pat (especially that bridge). So enjoy.


Parachuting downward you almost hit a tree as your backpack gets stuck to it. Your first mission is to retrieve your backpack.

This is the area you begin in right in the middle. From the start head off to a tree right in front of you (and a little to the left) and there will be a mushroom ready for you to pick. You have to crouch down with your knife and just press the Square button. Right afterwards head over to the left until you notice another mushroom on top of a log, do not crouch but do your knife combo again. Jump that log on the left and go into this small grassy area. In that area you can find some ammo (which you cannot use yet) and two snakes. Just crouch down and do your knife combo [again] to kill the snakes since you cannot capture them alive just yet since you do not have your MK-22 yet.

Go back from where you came (before the log) and head up north where you can crawl under a log to get to your backpack.

NOTE: You can also head off to the upper right and skid down the mountainside to the same area.

Once you are there you can find two more snakes. One to the right of the tree and one just behind it. Now head up the tree using the Action Button (triangle) and walk slowly out toward your hanging backpack. To hang downward and move over to it just press the Action Button again.

Major Tom will call you and you'll be ready to resume your prior mission of saving the scientist Solokov. Head off north.


Going toward the swamp you'll want to walk normally until you see a tree in the middle of some grass. Once you see that stop in your tracks and look for the Magpie. It is hiding in front of the tree by only a few feet. Just look for the purple in the grass. If you need extra help try the Thermal Goggles. Otherwise I recommend using the Sonar to help you find all the animals there. Besides the bird you can find about eight or so tree frogs which you'll have to crawl and hit with a knife. Or if you can move them by stirring up the place you can shoot them with your gun when they come to a clearing.

Continue heading upward till you see the swampland. Once you hit the swamp make sure you do not walk in it for too long. It is pretty much like quicksand in that it'll kill you if you're in it too long, drowning in mud. So quickly head off to the right where you will find a pack of grenades and an alligator. Kill the alligator and get the left over gavial. There'll be another alligator right there but it won't bother you. There are also two more alligators on the middle island of land and actually two other ones to the left. Kill the one left of the tree on the middle island so that you have safe passage to the beehive. I recommend shooting the beehive from afar or knifing it and running. Once you are done with that continue up north till you are at the next area.


This is where Snake first encounters enemy guards. There are three or four in the entire area. Two of them are walking vertical routes while one is coming right toward you. Head over to the nearest tree on the top right and put your back against it. Enter your Survival Viewer and change camo to the Tree Bark. This will let the guard just walk right past you as you use CQC to hold him and retrieve information. Once you are done with him either knock him out or slit his throat.

Return to your Survival viewer and turn on your leaf camo. Just casually walk or run forward and to the right where you will see no guards until later on. Once you see the massive foliage and grass go into a crawl and you'll be covered very well. There is a guard walking around so watch out. You may want to take care of the other walker early on just incase. You'll keep going north east crawling until you should take a sudden left near the top so that you can take out the one standing near the tree with your MK-22 Hush Puppy. Or take
them out from afar, it's your choice.

Once you're done with that head off north again.


Otherwise known as the bridged area you will enter from the southwest portion which is on a higher level than the rest. There are pieces of foliage on the ground but most of it is useless when not crawling. Two guards are patrolling the area below and the best way I found to take them out was to simply use the
MK-22. While laying down at the edge of the ridge below you can take easy shots toward the guards. Try to hit one that isn't being seen by the other. The noise in itself will startle the guard but you can easily take him out beforehand. Another tactic is to actually shoot an apple off the tree so that it lands on the ground and retrieves the guards attention. During this time you can shoot them easier.

Slide down the hillside to where they are and retrieve your apple or two. You will see a guard patrolling the bridge going back and forth. Try to get the guard as he comes toward you so that the remaining guard will not see him get shot. You can either get him with the MK-22 or the Sniper rifle. If you use the sniper rifle try to get the other guard first and then the one on the bridge. If you do that you will have more time to get the bridge guard as he has to travel a longer distance to safety if he hears you.

Taking the MK-22 approach however allows you to take time to cross the bridge as the remaining guard travels from left to right. While he checks the left side, which blocks the view of the bridge, you can travel upward and into some grass on the other side near the right. On the bridge you can cut some of the ropes with your knife to destabilize the trip over or even tip the scales so that a guard will fall over and into the river below.

On the other side in the grass you can lay down and receive 90% coverage and take an easy shot with your MK-22. Or you can stand next to the tree with the Tree Bark camo and sneak up with a knife to the neck. Either way works and depends on the risk you're willing to take. Afterwards head onward to...


Upon entering Rassvet you'll have enough room to either put on your Leaf camo and enter the grass or even head over to a nearby wall with your Squares camo. You could also use your sniper rifle to pick off nearby enemies if you wish but it'll alert more enemies toward your location if you're not careful. I found that the best route was to use the MK-22 on the two nearby guards who are both patrolling the parameter of the abandoned factory on the left and front. Once you have taken out both of them you can head over to the right of the building. Upon reaching that area you will see an overturned barrel. You can use the action button to push the barrel downward and knock over the remaining outside guard. You have to wait for the exact right moment but it is possible. All that is left is to climb the latter right next to him and drop down near the front door. Easy as pie.

Another route could be to go inside the building. Using this route you should stick to the walls as much as possible with your Squares camo. Make sure that you look before you run as there are a few hidden soldiers who will notice you walking around and give you a hard time. Once you are inside head over to the inside walkway that has another hole near the northern most part. Pressing the action button you walk upward you will do your little jump to it and then you can go inside. There is one guard on patrol near a corner past the door you need to get into to get to the area which has your final door. Make sure any remaining guards are taken out before you move onward or else you'll get spotted and you cannot finish the demo while in Alert mode. Caution mode yes, but not Alert mode.

There are other small routes (both of these are the most different routes you can take) which are in the middle of these two but I advise taking the right most route best. It'll land you right where you need to be with little risk involved.

Once you hit the door you need to get to (which by relation is in the north east part of the facility) the demo will end. And the words "Time Paradox" will show up on the screen.

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