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MGS3: Snake Eater E3 2004 Demo Walktrough
by Micheal Bach, 17.05.2004

[NOTE: I did not steal the MGS3 demo and composed this guide from playing the demo 5 or 6 times all the way through. Much of the information was obtained by my extensive note taking during the play through of the demo (on an offical Konami notepad). Other information was obtained from great MGS fans whom I watched play in order to learn other styles of play. Again I state I did not steal this demo. But if someone from Konami would like to question me my email is above and I will answer any questions I can (even though I was not present during the theft and did not see it. In fact I didn't even hear about it until I came back home). So I hope all my work is not for naught. I have worked long and hard on this FAQ to see the light of day and I hope two brats will not ruin it. Thank you everyone and thank you Konami for making a great demo. Again I am willing to run the risk of being accused of stealing and take full responsibility for this FAQ and its consequences.]

After playing the Snake Eater E3 demo about five or six times all the way through I felt that creating a FAQ for all the MGS fans out there would be a nice thing to do. I've discovered some very good routes and rules to follow during the E3 demo. Personally another reason I'm creating this is that I hope one day Hideo & Company [Konami] releases the demo to the general public as an extra with one of its upcoming games, perhaps Rumble Rose..who knows. Either way this walkthrough could be applicable in the future and that is why I am creating it. Will I advance this mini-FAQ to a full FAQ once the game comes out? I'm not sure. If I receive positive feedback, sure.

Either way please enjoy this FAQ and if you see any instances where this is recreated anywhere else without proper credit given then please email me at the address above.

Thank you very much. Happy hunting.

0.1 Konami's Press Event

I had every intention of heading off towards Konami's press event but I had forgotten to warrant an invitation. And it was invitation only. Therefore I had to wait outside for a while until they felt that enough seats were open to let uninvited guests in. I was one of those lucky folk (all three of us).

They saved Metal Gear for near last until after the intermission. Kojima came up and had a great chemistry with his translator whom I met. After the video he showed off (the trailer) and him playing the demo on hand he opened up the room for a Q&A session. I knew it was my chance so I asked a question about the weather system. It was nothing special so I won't put it up on here.

Otherwise that was my first revelation to Metal Gear Solid 3.

0.2 E3 Booth

Konami's Metal Gear Solid 3 booth was very interesting to say the least. It fairly replicated a rocky jungle environment with smoke coming out from who knows where. There were roughly ten games running alongside each other each with their own set of people huddled up around it. The low lighting however made for crappy photos. I took a few which really aided in this FAQ.

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